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Home » What are some good questions to ask on a first date?

What are some good questions to ask on a first date?

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Here are some good questions to ask on a first date to get to know the person better:

  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. What kind of music/movies/TV shows do you enjoy?
  3. Do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about?
  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
  5. What kind of food do you like to eat?
  6. What’s your favorite book?
  7. What kind of work do you do, and what do you enjoy most about it?
  8. What are your future goals and aspirations?
  9. What’s something that people misunderstand about you?
  10. What kind of relationship are you looking for at this point in your life?

Remember to actively listen and respond to their answers as well. Don’t just ask questions for the sake of it, but use their responses as a way to continue the conversation and build a deeper connection.


What about: “Do you have any prior felony convictions?”

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No, you should not ask someone if they have any prior felony convictions on a first date. This is an inappropriate question to ask someone you just met, and it could come across as intrusive or judgmental. Plus, it’s not really relevant to getting to know the person on a first date.

Instead, focus on questions that will help you get to know the person’s interests, values, and personality. Save more personal or sensitive questions for a later time, when you’ve built a stronger rapport and have a better sense of what the person is comfortable talking about.


What about: “Do you have any STDs?”


No, you should not ask someone if they have any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) on a first date. This is an extremely personal and sensitive topic, and it is not appropriate to bring it up with someone you just met. It is also a question that could be considered invasive and may make the person feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

If and when the time comes that you and your date are considering engaging in sexual activity, it is important to have an open and honest conversation about your sexual health histories, including any STDs that either of you may have. However, this is a discussion that should happen in a private and respectful setting, not on a first date.


What about: “So, do you think you could outrun me if you needed to?”


It’s not recommended to ask someone if they could outrun you or vice versa on a first date, as it could come off as a strange or inappropriate question. Instead, try to ask questions that are more relevant to getting to know the person and building a connection.

That being said, if you and your date share a love for sports or fitness, it may be appropriate to ask questions related to that interest. Just make sure that any questions you ask are respectful and not too personal or invasive.


What about: “How many people have you slept with?”


It is not recommended to ask someone how many people they have slept with on a first date, as it is a very personal and sensitive topic. Asking this question could make the other person feel uncomfortable, judged, or even insulted.

It is important to approach sensitive topics with respect and care. If you want to know more about their views on sex or relationships, it is best to approach the topic in a more general and respectful way. For example, you could ask about their general beliefs and values when it comes to sex and relationships, or what they are looking for in a partner. Remember to always be respectful and considerate of the other person’s feelings and boundaries.


What about: “Do you care that I’m married?”


If you are married and going on a date with someone who is not your spouse, it is important to be upfront about your marital status and the fact that you are currently married. If you are considering pursuing a romantic or sexual relationship with someone who is not your spouse, it is essential that you have an open and honest conversation with that person about the nature of your relationship and what you are both looking for.

However, asking someone if they care that you are married is not an appropriate question to ask on a first date. It is likely to make the other person feel uncomfortable, and it could come across as if you are not taking your marriage seriously or respecting the other person’s boundaries. Instead, focus on getting to know the other person, and allow your actions and behavior to speak for themselves in terms of your intentions and motivations.


I think the AI’s first date questions were pretty darned lame. And I think felony convictions would be highly relevant information. The disturbing outrunning me question would be okay if you were both into sports?!! And you’re supposed to be upfront about your marital status, but still not bring it up on the first date? Seems a little contradictory.